Birds (phylum Chordata, class Aves).
What general words refer to birds?
What words refer to kinds of birds?
What species of bird are there?accipiter accipitrine anhinga albatross aquiline auk avocet bittern blackbird blackcap bluebird blue jay bobolink bobwhite booby brant bullfinch bunting bustard buteo buzzard canary caracara cardinal cassowary catbird chat chickadee chicken cock cockatoo cormorant condor coot crane crepuscular crow cuckoo curlew cygnet dove drake duck duckling dunlin eagle eaglet egret eider emu erne falcon fieldfare finch flamingo flicker flycatcher fulmar gallinule gander gannet gnatcatcher goatsucker godwit goldfinch goose goshawk gosling grackle grebe grouse gull gyrfalcon hawk hen heron hoopoe hummingbird ibis jackdaw jaeger jay junco kea kingbird kingfisher kite kittiwake kiwi lapwing lark loon lovebird lyrebird macaw magpie mallard martin merganser mew moa mockingbird myna mynah nighthawk nightjar nonpasserine nuthatch oriole oscine osprey ostrich owl parakeet passerine parrot partridge peacock peafowl peahen peewit pelican penguin peregrine petrel pewee pewit phalarope pheasant pigeon pintail pipit plover ptarmigan puffin quail quetzal rail ratite raven redbird rhea ricebird ringdove robin rooster rook runner sandpiper sapsucker scoter seagull shearwater shelduck siskin skua snipe snowbird sparrow spoonbill squab starling stilt stork swallow swan swift tailorbird tanager teal tern thrasher thrush tit titmouse towhee trumpeter tumbler turkey turnstone turtledove vireo vulture vulturine wading warbler waxwing weaverbird whistler willet woodcock woodpecker wren yellowhammer yellowlegs yellowthroat
What words describe birds?