Few, little
Words related there being few or little of something.
What words indicate that there is a small amount of something?a little a bit of a small amount of trace trickle dab an element of a touch of a hint of taste of dearth grain hair inappreciable inconsequential inconsiderable infinitesimal insignificant iota limited minimum minute mite moderate modest modicum ounce particle poor scant scanty scintilla shred slight smidgen some speck spoonful suggestion suspicion tidbit tinge tiny trifle whit
What words indicate that there is a very small amount of something?
What words indicate that there are a small number of things or people?
What words indicate that there are a very small number of things or people?
What words refer to a small amount of food?
What words describe something that contains a little of a particular substance?
What words refer to a small amount of money?
What words refer to a small number of people that are part of a larger group?
What words indicate that few people are doing something?
What words refer to using or giving a little of something?