Think about
Words related to thinking about something for some time.
What words refer to thinking about something for a period of time?think about brood cogitate consider give consideration to contemplate meditate muse mull over occupy your mind ponder reconsider reflect reflection ruminate speculate study weigh wonder go around in your mind do some thinking keep your mind on have something on your mind deduce deduction induction inductive logic apply yourself pay attention bethink conclude observe process reason theorize
What words refer to thinking carefully?
What words refer to not thinking carefully?
What words refer to thinking about what is good for someone?
What words refer to thinking before making a decision?
What words refer to a series of thoughts?
What words refer to thinking about something again?
What words refer to the thoughts a person is thinking at a particular time?
What words refer to thinking about many things?
What words refer to the way a person thinks about something?
What words describe the way a person thinks?
What words refer to trying not to think about something?
What words refer to stopping thinking about something?
What words refer to failing to think about what you are doing?
What words refer to a person who thinks a lot?