Certainly, definitely
Words that a speaker uses to indicate that he thinks something is certainly true or is certain to happen.
What words indicate that something is certainly true?
What words indicate that something will certainly happen?
What words indicate that something will certainly succeed?
What words refer to doing something in order to be certain that something will happen?
What words indicate that something is certain to happen and nothing can be done to stop it?
What words describe something that is certain?
What words indicate that something is certainly not true?absolute assurance assured can certain certainly certitude clear decided decisive definite doubtless established fixed guaranteed incalculable incontestable incontrovertible indisputable indubitable ineluctable inevitable infallible inescapable inevitable irrefragable irrefutable positive really set settled single-minded sure sureness trustworthy unarguable unavoidable undeniable unequivocal unmistakable unquestionable